Sunday, September 29, 2013

Now Is (Almost) The Start

Last 3 days in the U.S. 

Which begs the question, what have I been up to this past month?
Since Cambridge doesn't start classes until October 8, I've been free of most responsibilities since the end of my summer internship. So naturally, that means a lot of TV watching and eating (and an occasional run to make sure I still knew how to run). 

Nah, I still did stuff. 
I took two trips to MIT. The first was to be a PRC in August [photo #4* - yay red cats] and help out with recruitment as an excuse to see people. I got to go to an Emeli Sande concert at the House of Blues, which was amazing. Emeli Sande's voice is so strong yet sweet and hits some crazy octaves. I also saw Wicked near the Commons at the Boston Opera House! (Watching Wicked has been a long-time goal of mine so I was smiling widely (or tearing up, naturally because of the storyline) the whole time. The next trip to Boston was over the weekend of the Career Fair, where I tried to get a job (still in progress...) and said goodbye to everyone on campus.
I also visited the Grounds for Sculptures in New Jersey with the family [photo #1]. Most of the sculptures were made by artists to create a human-scale version of some of the greatest art masterpieces (especially the Impressionist pieces like Monet's bridge and Renoir's "Luncheon of the Boating Party").

Ok ok there were a lot of smaller trips here and there, but if I were to sum up the month more honestly, there was a lot of TV-watching and eating. (Scandal is an addicting show.) I found a few episodes ION channel marathons of Criminal Minds that occupied my time as well.
My mom also whipped up some incredible recipes while I was home. She never fails to impress me and my palette. This time I had mentioned a green tea tiramisu I had eaten in California, and so one day she casually made one on her own [photo #6], which I have to admit was way better than the original one I had eaten.
*photos are numbered 1~6 counter-clockwise starting from the upper left

Wednesday, September 4, 2013



Don't think I don't have anything to say.
I have a shit ton to say about the summer,
                                    about California, and Google...
                                    about the couple of weeks I've been at MIT before going home,
                                    about being a PRC,
                                    about realizations,
                                    about my next goals.

Mind blown. That's how I feel so far. And infinitely elated.

Breakdown of Google:
1. My team is awesome. I lucked out.
2. Google. Holy crap.
- all the perks
3. Everything works out.
- hockey
4. Random cool happenings
- high school, MIT, alum
5. I'm bad at keeping in touch with people
6. All the adventures
7. Misconceptions
8. Things I worried about that worked out fine
- marathon, people, coding, hosts, performance so far
I like company coding (!)
9. The Future
10. What I've learned so far

Breakdown of California:
1. The Weather.
2. The Food.
3. The People.
4. The Places.
5. The Mood/Music.

Breakdown of Leaving MIT soon:
1. How I'm homeless
2. How fun it is to be a PRC and the lessons I've learned
3. How worried I am of the things I'll miss
4. How weird it feels coming back

I'll touch on these things in the next few days while I have time to process and record them :)